Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Museum Mineral Dig, Saturday, May 24, 2014, 6pm

Clement Mineral Museum, a one-of-a-kind showcase of the collection of Ben E. Clement, a giant in Kentucky mining. The collection is composed of thousands of fluorite crystal specimens, ranging in weight from a fraction of an ounce to hundreds of pounds. Each specimen was “a rare accidental find” among regular ore bodies. In addition to the fluorite, there are many other rare mineral samples, fossils, and exquisite mineral carvings.

Also preserved in the museum is an extensive collection of journals, photographs, mining tools, and artifacts related to fluorspar mining, an industry that flourished during World War II and was an economic staple until the 1950’s.

The museum is an inspiration to all who visit. The exhibits are geared to maximize visitor exposure to the minerals, the mining, and the people involved in the Illinois-Kentucky Fluorspar District.

Contact the Mineral Museum for more information. 270-965-4263.

Make Your First Stop in Marion The Welcome Center located at 213 South Main St., Marion KY 42064.
Contact the Tourism Office by phone at 270-965-5015 or by e-mail. 

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